1. Why did you decide to work on EVERYTHING MUST FALL?
We made a wager on following the fees must fall movement because their demands would require a titanic effort on their part and in all likelihood they would face active opposition form the universities and the state. This would also mean the leaders we were following would undergo change or filmic terms what we call a dramatic arc.
2. Which of your movies won great critical acclaims and awards?
Many of my films have won awards, let me focus on two of them, Miners Shot Down which is the first part of the trilogy of films, Everything must Fall is part two, both films won numerous awards at home and broad because they transport viewers deep into the heart of the story and into the shoes of the protagonists. In addition the antagonists also are given significant space, which creates many questions, significant controversy and a genuine dialogue. Most importantly these two films were powerful because they moved audiences emotionally which was achieved through important intimate access to those at the center of the conflict which provided a universal appeal. Finally both films have multiple points of view but are coached with an overall point of view which is politically uncompromising.
3. Is there a growing interest in documentaries and if so why?
Documentaries are becoming more popular as the world we live becomes increasingly polarized and political. In the process people are losing faith in the main stream media. In addition we are seeing more documentary film as opposed to TV, the former makes for more engaging and compelling narratives with high production values.
4. What would you like to do next?
I am busy with two projects that I am finding very satisfactory, a feature length documentary on the tension between science and politics through the lens of HIV and COVID pandemics and the attempts to find a vaccine.
5. If someone hasn’t done a documentary, what advice would you give him/her?
Don’t do it unless you feel that this is he only thing you want to do with your life. The work is very demanding and it takes a long time to establish yourself so you can earn a living from your work.
6. What, in your opinion, is the most important quality in a film director?
Absolute focus is required so you find your story and your voice within the story. If you are not sure what you want to say through the story you will make a film that does not have the form required to get the message across. This involves you having considerable self-belief, that you have something to say to the world and the perseverance to fight for that to be realized inside a story structure that is compelling.
Director rehad desai